
The Balancing Act

As I’ve grown older, this so called “work-life balance” has been harder and harder to obtain, harder to maintain and now even the idea of it is hard to entertain!

Life always has a rhythm. This rhythm is different depending on who you are and what you want to achieve. Some of us want success, some of us want enjoyment, some of us just want to be left alone from all of that. You can totally see the way humans interact with the classic “work day”. Some battle it and some just embrace it, but I find it truly one of those impossible tasks that you can never win.

This idea of balance always alludes to something in our lives “failing” or one part falling short of the other. A colleague once taught me about the view that there are three key parts that make up life.

1. Family (in all the connotations of phrase)
2. Wellbeing (including exercise and more), and
3. Work (with this being a major impactor on the other too)

I totally agree that this ‘work’ thing is probably the strongest pull away from the other, more fun parts of life… but we all have to go with it in this modern age, and probably have to integrate between the other parts. Otherwise the failing of the one impacts the others in a way that’s detrimental to that person’s identity.

I fully embrace the concept of ikigai (which I’ll follow up on another post at some point), a Japanese concept where you find your sense of purpose in life, as well as being thoroughly motivated to deliver on that purpose. Basically you find your reason for living. This allows you to work, spend time with loved ones and keep your wellbeing at the forefront without each impacting the others.

I’ve been on this journey of balance for a while now and still haven’t got it quite right.

Maybe if I really keep on finding and following what I’m living for and passionate for, the rest will surely follow.

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