Not yet decided on what you want to achieve this year? Don’t Panic. You’re not alone.
Why not aim for the summits? Why not break the goals down into achievable chunks?
10 years ago I’d just come off the back of an awesome year long adventure. I’d set a personal challenge to run up (and down) 52 mountain peaks in 52 weeks – taking me across the breathtaking landscapes of Aotearoa New Zealand.
The twist was, each peak had to be over 1000m above sea level, they all had to be named peaks on a topomap, and they all had to be different – I couldn’t repeat myself – I wanted to have new experiences.
Some weeks were amazing. Some were good. Some were bad. Some were very bad. But the mindset to reach the bigger goal was always top of mind.
My preparation and planning had a lot to be desired… but my perseverance and ability for my body to just “show up” was down to keeping consistent and looking forward to reaching the next summit.
So go on, dig deep and push yourself to the limit. Humans are awesome and when you out your mind to it, you can achieve some pretty epic things.
Find a comfy seat, grab some popcorn and enjoy the 52Peaks film that’s been shown at numerous film festivals across the globe. 🍿
You can join the 13,000+ community of runners and adventurers who’ve been part of the journey so far – and you never know, maybe you can add to the next chapter?
📽 Watch the film on Vimeo…
Or now on Youtube!